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Jun 04 2019
Jun 04 2019
On Thursday 30th May, Year 5 had a wonderful morni...
Jun 01 2019
Jun 01 2019
This week students in Nursery learned the story "W...
May 23 2019
May 23 2019
This week in Year 1 and 2 the children have been i...
May 15 2019
May 15 2019
On Saturday 20 April 2019, a team of primary and s...
Mar 22 2019
Mar 22 2019
On Friday 15th March, KG students took their secon...
Mar 22 2019
Mar 22 2019
On March 14th six boys from Year 6 and Year 7 flew...
Mar 08 2019
Mar 08 2019
Year 6 have had another exciting week in practical...
