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Mar 06 2019
Mar 06 2019
Students in KG dressed as their favourite superher...
Mar 04 2019
Mar 04 2019
On Thursday 28th February, Year 5 ventured to Khao...
Mar 01 2019
Mar 01 2019
On Tuesday 26 February Ms Pat arranged for six stu...
Mar 01 2019
Mar 01 2019
Year 3 began their new IPC topic ‘The Nature of Li...
Feb 07 2019
Feb 07 2019
On Tuesday 5 February the Under 13 Boys Basketball...
Feb 01 2019
Feb 01 2019
Year 6 are training to be astronauts this week. Th...
Jan 18 2019
Jan 18 2019
Y3 had a fantastic entry point for their IPC topic...
