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Home > Student Enrichment > Houses


The House system at St. Stephen’s is designed to offer students opportunities for personal development, as well as playing an essential role in strengthening the school ethos and sense of community.

Every student and teacher in the school is assigned to one of three Houses. The Houses take their names from Western and Eastern mythical creatures and are assigned the following colours: Dragon (red), Erawan (blue) and Garuda (yellow). 

House Events

Each House participates in a range of competitive House events across the year, which may be sports or academically based.  The most prestigious of these events involving the whole school are below although there are a range of other smaller events too.

  1. Fun Run
  2. Sports Day
  3. Swimming Gala

The House structure is summarised below:


House Coordinator

The House Coordinator is responsible for overseeing the House system. 

Heads of House

Each House is led by a member of the teaching staff who is designated as the Head of House. The responsibilities of the Head of House include, but are not limited to, appointing House Captains, leading House Assemblies and organising House events and competitions.

House Captains

Each House has one Captain from Secondary (Y9-12) and one Captain from Primary (Y5-6). These positions of responsibility are open to children in Year 5/ Year 6 and Year 9 - Year 12, who may apply by contacting their Head of House or House Coordinator. House Captains will be responsible for collecting House Points as well as assisting with House Assemblies, events/competitions and any other tasks deemed appropriate by the Head of House. 

Golden Tickets

Children are able to earn Golden Tickets for their House by demonstrating positive, kind and considerate behaviour around the school, sustained hard work in lessons or an outstanding piece of work etc. Golden tickets may be awarded by any member of staff. Children will be given a small ticket which they will place in the Golden ticket box (located between A and B block). Golden tickets will be collected on a weekly basis by the Primary House Captains. At the end of each half term the totals are turned into House Points depending on whether they come first, second or third. 

House points

Throughout the year there will be many House competitions which will award House points.

House Points will be awarded to each House as follows (example):




Category and Event






Whole school events

Sports Day, Fun Run, Swimming Gala, Golden tickets






Key stage, year group, half school events

House team events such as football, basketball and Countdown.





Smaller events

Easter egg hunt, quizzes 





These totals will be announced in assemblies and displayed on House display boards every half term. The winning House will be awarded the House Trophy at the end of the school year.