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We are possibly in the best location in Thailand for running a range of academic and enrichment trips that really support students’ learning in school.  With the Khao Yai National Park a UNESCO World Heritage Site on our doorstep, the Korat Geopark, a UNESCO World Geopark a short distance away and a myriad of other locations to visit in what is one of the most popular and diverse tourist destinations in Thailand we really are spoilt for choice. Additionally, Bangkok is only a couple of hours away when needed!

Every year a large number of trips are run by the school and students of all ages can expect to attend a variety of trips. The school has a comprehensive trips policy with which all members of staff are familiar. This includes detailed risk assessment procedures.  

In the primary school trips will often relate to an IPC topic being studied and will take place as an entry point or exit point to this study.

In the secondary school some trips relate to specific subjects, for example Year 10 Geography coursework or the Year 7 Science / History trip to Khao Yai National Park or PSHE trips to venues such as a local orphanage. Our Thai Department take students to a variety of cultural and historical venues in the surrounding area as well as further afield. Other trips relate to optional extra-curricular activities, for example International Award camping expeditions. 

Our PE Department arranges a range of trips where students can participate in competitions against other schools. This includes joint trips with our Bangkok campus to FOBISIA competitions.

All students in Years 3 to 13 spend up to a week of school time on a residential trip, which will usually be led by a team including our Head of Outdoor Education and the appropriate form tutors. These trips are linked to our curriculum and allow students to experience working in a different environment where they can develop skills not easily achievable within the normal classroom.  The challenge of the residential trips increases with age.  Year 3 will spend their first residential within the Khao Yai boarding accommodation whilst older groups will visit other areas of Thailand or abroad.

Our dorm students usually have an enrichment trip out of school on a Saturday making the most of the rich variety of locations to visit in the vicinity.  Examples of locations visited include those with adventure activities (kayaking, hiking, climbing, riding, white-water rafting, high ropes courses), environmental education locations, general tourist spots and even visiting the mall to go shopping!