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Year 4 have made a great start to the year.

Sep 05 2019

Year 4 have made a great start to the year. weIn English they have focused on grammar, using the textbook's historical fiction excerpts as a guide. The children found examples of adverbs and categorised them into adverbs of manner, time or place. They also explored main and subordinate clauses, understanding the need to extend their writing whenever possible.

In mathematics, the focus has been on 1 and 2-step word problems, using addition and subtraction. The children tried to hone their strategies and are getting more confident in their mental maths abilities. Everybody is getting used to taking their mental maths tests each Friday and hopefully, they are enjoying the challenges that come with it.

As for IPC, they have been working their Active Planet topic, investigating the features of a volcano. We read a first-hand account of an Icelandic farmer who survived the eruption of Eyjafjallajkull in 2010. (This was the volcanic eruption that grounded many commercial airlines in Europe for a period in 2010 and even prevented some teachers getting back to their schools for the start of the new academic year