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Nov 13 2018
Nov 13 2018
One of the highlights of the day was the Haunted H...
Nov 05 2018
Nov 05 2018
A Doctor Calls... Many thanks to Dr Worasin, one...
Nov 01 2018
Nov 01 2018
Y3 had a fantastic entry point to their IPC topic...
Oct 31 2018
Oct 31 2018
On Thursday October 11th students in Nursery, Kind...
Oct 31 2018
Oct 31 2018
On Thursday 11 October, Year 8 students investigat...
Oct 24 2018
Oct 24 2018
Year 8 Science students tested a variety of food i...
Oct 18 2018
Oct 18 2018
On Tuesday 2nd October and Wednesday 3rd October t...
