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Oct 18 2018
Oct 18 2018
On Tuesday 2nd October and Wednesday 3rd October t...
Oct 18 2018
Oct 18 2018
On Thursday 13 September St Stephen's held its ann...
Oct 12 2018
Oct 12 2018
Year 7 students had the opportunity to use microsc...
Oct 12 2018
Oct 12 2018
This last week of term has been Biology Week, to f...
Oct 12 2018
Oct 12 2018
Year 3 enjoyed teaching Year 1 and Year 2 some of...
Oct 02 2018
Oct 02 2018
Yr. 4 students arelearning Thai vowel (สระลดรูป) t...
Sep 28 2018
Sep 28 2018
IPC students in Year 4 made model volcanoes. Stude...
