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Nov 20 2018
Nov 20 2018
On Wednesday 14 November 2018, Year 8 SISKY studen...
Nov 19 2018
Nov 19 2018
Year 8 SISKY students performed a lab investigatio...
Nov 15 2018
Nov 15 2018
When SISKY lined up to take on Panyapatip school i...
Nov 15 2018
Nov 15 2018
On Friday 9th November we held our annual Remembra...
Nov 13 2018
Nov 13 2018
One of the highlights of the day was the Haunted H...
Nov 13 2018
Nov 13 2018
St. Stephen's welcomed a team of fifteen U13 stude...
Nov 13 2018
Nov 13 2018
On Wednesday 31st October 2018, students, staff an...
