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Higher Education and Careers

Students start learning about possible careers through their IPC lessons in the primary section of the school. 

Formal lessons focussed on careers and the skills required for them are integrated into the PSHE programme throughout the secondary school from Year 7.  In Year 9 a series of lessons utilise the Kudos careers website to help students understand possible career paths open to them and the subject choices that they might need for these paths.  This period culminates in an IGCSE Options Meeting for parents and students at the end of Term 2, which is followed by an Options Fair where they can talk to the specialist teachers about their IGCSE option choices. Once students have made their choices there is an individual meeting between each student and the Head of Campus and the Careers and University Counsellor to carefully review those choices against possible career plans.

At the start of Year 11 students are introduced to the university information website Bridge-U and are given initial lessons on how to use it to consider higher education choices. One-to-one discussions are offered to all students in Year 11 before choosing their A Level options, as well as a Sixth Form Information Meeting to which all Year 11 parents and students are invited. At this event they can meet and discuss subject options with staff from each department and the Head of Campus before students make their Year 12 subject choices.

A Higher Education Information Evening is run later in the academic year to which all parents from Year 10 upwards are invited and local and overseas university pathways are explored.

There is a dedicated Careers and University Counsellor whom students throughout the secondary school may see regarding their career and study choices. 

PSHE lessons in Year 12 and 13 focus very heavily on higher education applications and preparation.  In addition the Careers and University Counsellor works closely with each student supporting the students on their journey to university.  The school regularly hosts visits from visiting universities and also organises visits to universities in Thailand.