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Year 7 took part in a field trip to Khorat Geopark

Jun 24 2024
On Wednesday 19 June, Year 7 took part in a field trip to Khorat Geopark in Nakhon Ratchasima.
Before departure we researched the venues we planned to visit, with Mr Andrew giving a short presentation on geological timescales and the tectonic plate movements leading up to the formation of the plateau we see today.
Here in the plateau, scientists have discovered fossilised spores and dinosaur bones from species unique to what is now Nakhon Ratchasima, giving clues about the biodiversity present before the mass extinction 65 million years ago.
On the day, Ms Nan and Mr Boy were able to provide a commentary on human geography as we studied the oldest reclining Buddha in Thailand at Wat Thammachak Semaram. This was cut and shaped from sandstone quarried 1300 years ago from Sikhio, where evidence of stone cutting is still visible today. We took in magnificent views of ancient settlements in the environs of Mueang Sema - at Prasat Non Ku and Prasat Muangkhaek; both dating from 10 century Hindu origins during the Dvaravati period. There have even been archaeological finds from the Iron Age. Throughout the area we witnessed the bright red/brown soils coloured by minerals of iron oxide, deposited by weathering and erosion over time.
After lunch we studied environmental factors and food webs at the edge of Sapphradoo Reservoir. We had to wade into the shallows but it was well worth the effort. We found various primary producers both at the water’s edge and in the shallows, supporting a diversity of consumers including large apple snails, which are harvested and consumed by humans. Butterflies and dragon flies were plentiful and young shrubs had been planted to stabilise the shore line and reduce soil erosion. Further up the food chain we found fish being cooked for sale in the many local restaurants!
At the end of the day we studied modern commercial activity in a new shopping mall, taking time to rehydrate and consider how we still gather at large monuments to carry out trade and interact socially.