Year 4 have had a busy week. They finally got to try out their lava experiment having spent a week preparing the volcanoes. The Year 3s were invited and enjoyed watching the drama of the 'eruptions' unfold.
In English, the children began their second unit on non-fiction texts and focused on 'Bugs'. The children displayed a vast knowledge of the topic - how absolutely impressive! Over the weekend, they were asked to ponder this question: What would happen if we got rid of all the mosquitoes in the world?
As for maths, we practised the 6 and 9 times tables which was quite a challenge for some. We also began our bi-weekly in-class times tables tests.
On Wednesday afternoon, the whole school convened in the canteen to make the class flower arrangements. Great news - Year 4 came 3rd and was awarded a jar of biscuits! The children then presented these beautiful arrangements to the teachers the next morning during Wai Kru.
On Friday, Mr Nifty arranged a lower Key Stage 2 team building session. The Year 3s and 4s collaborated to try their hands at various tasks which focused on effective communication and team-work.
St. Stephen’s International School
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