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Wai Kru Day

Sep 28 2016

The assembly hall was full of students, from Nursery to Secondary. All the teachers were seated in a curved line in front of all the students. A song resounded throughout the room as students climbed to their feet. Everyone sang along, their arms resting at their sides. One of the senior students led the song. 

Then, two presentations were shown on the screen, holding everybody’s attention. Some people twisted to view a second screen at the back of the room. Pictures of students were shown causing others to chuckle.

When the presentations ended, two people from each class went to carry rich, golden platters. After that, all the students, even as young as Nursery, went to pay respect to the teachers. 

The students all bowed down, before getting on their feet and walking away. Everyone returned to sit on the floor in their previous positions. After singing the last song, everybody got up and exited the room and returned to their usual school routine