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Key Stage Coordinators Welcome

We believe the role of Key Stage Coordinator to be of vital importance in supporting each student throughout their time at the school.  The role of the Key Stage 4 Coordinator is, alongside a strong team of form tutors, to guide and pastorally support the students through their IGCSE studies and to help them to develop as individuals. The students are fortunate to have small form groups, allowing them to make strong bonds with their form tutor. 

The tutor team has a weekly meeting with the Key Stage Manager to discuss individual students and to support students through Key Stage 4. We have a weekly secondary assembly to promote study skills, motivation and global issues. 

Students in Key Stage 4 have individual academic mentoring meetings with their tutor on a regular basis, enabling target setting and one to one support to be given.



IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) is the international version of the English GCSE. IGCSE is the world’s most commonly taken international examination.

All of our IGCSE courses follow the Cambridge International Examination (CIE) syllabi.

Our students usually take 8 subjects for IGCSE and have some choice over which subjects they study (see Key Stage 4 – Subject Choices). We invite Year 9 parents and students to an information meeting in early April at which we explain IGCSE and our options system.

IGCSE is a two year course taken during Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11), usually with the examination in June at the end of Year 11. Examination results are announced by CIE in mid August before the start of the next academic year. Examinations are graded A* to G with a good pass being grade C or above.  Students need to achieve at least 5 grades A* to C for entry to A Level courses. We usually expect students to achieve at least a grade B in those subjects they are hoping to study at A Level.