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Artists of the Week - Week 2

Sep 05 2024

Last week Year 7 started their project on 'Key Skills' given a drawing task, and were given an image of a still life composition, Year 8 on 'Expressive Portraits' and Year 9 on 'Typography'. In all year groups, an art assessment was presented to the students where they were given a drawing task. Year 7's were given an image of a still life composition and Year 8 were given an image of one of Yue Minjun's expressive face paintings to draw. Year 9's assessment was to create an observational drawing of their own shoe.

Kunn from Year 7 has been chosen as the Artist of the Week for his ability to capture textures and tones of the still life objects. Well done Kunn!
Jinta from Year 8 has been chosen for the Year 8 artist of the week for being able to draw confident lines that capture the hysterical expressions of the faces.
Dayeon from Year 9 has been chosen for the Year 9 artist of the week for her ability to capture accurate proportion and smooth textures of her shoe.