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Jan 21 2022
Jan 21 2022
The Mandarin course in Early Years aims to build...
Jan 20 2022
Jan 20 2022
All the children in Reception class this week have...
Jan 20 2022
Jan 20 2022
Congratulations to Namon and Emily from Year 5, wh...
Jan 17 2022
Jan 17 2022
Tan, Year 8, was invited to perform in the Kids Ci...
Jan 14 2022
Jan 14 2022
Congratulations to Primmy, Year 8 who attained the...
Jan 12 2022
Jan 12 2022
Congratulations to Anna, Year 5, who achieved the...
Jan 12 2022
Jan 12 2022
Year 3 would like to say a huge thank you for ever...
