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Oct 08 2021
Oct 08 2021
Khun Pattarapan Kosol, the mother of Rhawee in o...
Oct 04 2021
Oct 04 2021
Year 5LD students have been learning how to writ...
Oct 01 2021
Oct 01 2021
The Year 10 IGCSE Physics class was using a fricti...
Sep 30 2021
Sep 30 2021
Today, about 100 students from Years 6 to 13 from...
Sep 30 2021
Sep 30 2021
Last Wednesday you may have joined Maths with Ms K...
Sep 29 2021
Sep 29 2021
Year 7 students have been studying Biology as part...
Sep 28 2021
Sep 28 2021
Year 1 have been exploring art in nature as part o...
