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Sep 10 2021
Sep 10 2021
Congratulations to silver medal winner Yaya from Y...
Sep 07 2021
Sep 07 2021
This week the Year 5 children have been learning...
Sep 06 2021
Sep 06 2021
Year 1 started their first ever IPC topic, called...
Sep 03 2021
Sep 03 2021
  The new IPC topic in Year 4 is Active Pl...
Sep 01 2021
Sep 01 2021
Year 10 IGCSE Chemistry students were introduced t...
Aug 27 2021
Aug 27 2021
In Year 6, we have begun our new IPC unit: What...
Aug 26 2021
Aug 26 2021
Mrs. Morakod Kijmongkoltham Mummy of Bay in Year 1...
