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Informal Concerns

Informal Concerns


We try to resolve concerns or complaints by informal means wherever possible. Where this is not possible, formal procedures will be followed.
The school will aim to give the complainant the opportunity to complete the complaints procedure in full. 

When investigating a complaint, we will try to clarify:

  • What has happened

  • Who was involved

  • What the complainant feels would put things right

We also intend to address complaints as quickly as possible. To achieve this, realistic and reasonable time limits will be set for each action within each stage.

Where further investigations are necessary, new time limits will be set, and the complainant will be sent details of the new deadline with an explanation for the delay.

The school expects that complaints will be made as soon as possible after an incident arises and no later than 3 months afterwards. We will consider exceptions to this time frame in circumstances where there were valid reasons for not making a complaint at that time, and the complaint can still be investigated in a fair manner for all involved.

Please look at the flowchart below, or click this link to download it, for the steps involved in raising an initial concern or making an informal complaint.

Diagram of SIS informal complaints procedures

If you have followed all the steps in the informal complaints procedure, and are ready to make a formal complaint please click this link for more details.