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Dec 12 2023
Dec 12 2023
Last weekend, members of our swimming squad attend...
Dec 11 2023
Dec 11 2023
The pupils of Key Stage Two put on a wonderful Chr...
Dec 08 2023
Dec 08 2023
Congratulations to Gor-Yha, Year 5, for securing t...
Dec 07 2023
Dec 07 2023
On Wednesday, November 29th, our Year 6 students e...
Dec 06 2023
Dec 06 2023
1LS did an excellent job in their first ever Prima...
Dec 04 2023
Dec 04 2023
Congratulations to Richy, Year 6, for securing 1st...
Dec 01 2023
Dec 01 2023
On Wednesday last week, Mr Ted hosted a very well...
