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Sep 02 2022
Sep 02 2022
On Friday 09 September the whole school will be pa...
Sep 02 2022
Sep 02 2022
Well done to this week's Primary school Stars of t...
Sep 01 2022
Sep 01 2022
St. Stephen’s students have once again achieved ve...
Sep 01 2022
Sep 01 2022
We were very pleased when Dr. Pattara and Khun P...
Sep 01 2022
Sep 01 2022
Congratulations to Caesar, Year 3, who won first p...
Aug 31 2022
Aug 31 2022
It was wonderful to meet with the new Year 1 and 2...
Aug 30 2022
Aug 30 2022
Congratulations to Mangpore, Year 6, who was a sem...
