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Oct 14 2020
Oct 14 2020
Mr David's class, in Year 4, performed their Horri...
Oct 14 2020
Oct 14 2020
Year 4 have been learning all about Ancient Egypt...
Oct 12 2020
Oct 12 2020
Well done to Potae in Year 7 who is our Artist of...
Oct 12 2020
Oct 12 2020
Mr David's class, in Year 4, performed their Hor...
Oct 12 2020
Oct 12 2020
Year 7 has been learning about muscles, joints and...
Oct 12 2020
Oct 12 2020
Last week Year 4 competed in a bench ball tourname...
Oct 12 2020
Oct 12 2020
On Friday, IGCSE and AS Level Art students visited...
