Nov 12 2021
The children in Reception have been learning about fruit in Mandarin this week. During every Mandarin class, the children would be asked in Chinese, "What day is it today?" The children would try to answer in Mandarin and point out the correct Chinese characters. Afterwards, the children enthusiastically learn how to pronounce different fruits in Mandarin and match pictures of the fruit.
幼儿园高班 (Reception) 的孩子们本周在普通话课学习水果。 每次上普通话课,老师都会问孩子们:“今天星期几?” 孩子们会尝试用普通话回答,并指出正确的汉字。 接下来,孩子们热烈地用普通话跟老师说出水果的名称,并找出搭配的水果图片。
St.Stephen’s International School
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