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Sep 28 2023
Sep 28 2023
Congratulations to Palynn, Year 4, for her outstan...
Sep 28 2023
Sep 28 2023
On Tuesday the Sixth Form students had the opportu...
Sep 27 2023
Sep 27 2023
For their class assembly, the pupils in class 5PC...
Sep 26 2023
Sep 26 2023
Congratulations to Pakhun, Year 1, who achieved th...
Sep 25 2023
Sep 25 2023
Congratulations to Folkus, Year 10, who secured th...
Sep 25 2023
Sep 25 2023
Last week we hosted the annual U19 TISAC table ten...
Sep 22 2023
Sep 22 2023
On Tuesday the Sixth Form students had the opportu...
