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Nov 09 2016
Nov 09 2016
It was a lovely morning with Early Years parents i...
Nov 08 2016
Nov 08 2016
Year 1 took part in a cooking workshop at ‘A Littl...
Nov 03 2016
Nov 03 2016
On the 3rd November, Year 4 went on a trip to the...
Nov 03 2016
Nov 03 2016
Last week we were extremely pleased to host our fi...
Oct 21 2016
Oct 21 2016
On Friday the 21st of October, 16 students from Ke...
Oct 20 2016
Oct 20 2016
With our heartfelt condolences on the passing of H...
Oct 20 2016
Oct 20 2016
On Thursday 20th October Year 6 classes hosted the...
