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Oct 14 2020
Oct 14 2020
Year 11 students made their annual visit to The A...
Oct 14 2020
Oct 14 2020
Mr David's class, in Year 4, performed their Horri...
Oct 12 2020
Oct 12 2020
On Friday, IGCSE and AS Level Art students visited...
Oct 12 2020
Oct 12 2020
IGCSE and AS Level Art students also visited Aurum...
Oct 12 2020
Oct 12 2020
Well done to Potae in Year 7 who is our Artist of...
Oct 12 2020
Oct 12 2020
Mr David's class, in Year 4, performed their Hor...
Oct 12 2020
Oct 12 2020
Year 7 has been learning about muscles, joints and...
