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Mar 17 2021
Mar 17 2021
On Monday 15 March the Music Department hosted the...
Mar 16 2021
Mar 16 2021
  The children in 2CB presented their clas...
Mar 16 2021
Mar 16 2021
Well done to Belle, Mook & Tata in Year 8 who...
Mar 15 2021
Mar 15 2021
Congratulations to Focus and Jerry from Year 7 who...
Mar 12 2021
Mar 12 2021
Very well done to our Primary Stars of the Week: M...
Mar 11 2021
Mar 11 2021
When students make the transition from Year 6 into...
Mar 10 2021
Mar 10 2021
World Book Week 2021  15 - 19 March  Lot...
