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May 03 2021
May 03 2021
In Sapphire Class this week we made Oobleck as par...
May 03 2021
May 03 2021
This week in Opal-Nursery Class we have been explo...
Apr 30 2021
Apr 30 2021
In Reception we are learning about 'Jungle and Rai...
Apr 30 2021
Apr 30 2021
To practice Python coding in a more real-life envi...
Apr 28 2021
Apr 28 2021
  Last week Year 1 completed the IPC Unit...
Apr 26 2021
Apr 26 2021
At St Stephen's we are keen that children should p...
Apr 26 2021
Apr 26 2021
  St. Stephen's Alumni, Ploydee and Beauty...
