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Mar 20 2023
Mar 20 2023
Congratulation to Zenar, Year 2, who was recently...
Mar 17 2023
Mar 17 2023
A very sunny well done to our Primary Stars of the...
Mar 17 2023
Mar 17 2023
Congratulations to Mangpore, Year 6, who achieved...
Mar 16 2023
Mar 16 2023
 Yesterday, 8 of our senior students competed...
Mar 15 2023
Mar 15 2023
Congratulations to Wam, Year 10, who achieved four...
Mar 14 2023
Mar 14 2023
We have had a wonderful time celebrating World Boo...
Mar 13 2023
Mar 13 2023
To acknowledge Thai Veterans Day on 3rd February 2...
