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Jun 06 2023
Jun 06 2023
Congratulation to Mangpore, Year 6, who won the U1...
Jun 06 2023
Jun 06 2023
Congratulations to Bentley, Year 2, who achieved s...
Jun 02 2023
Jun 02 2023
Another very big well done to our latest Primary s...
May 31 2023
May 31 2023
Congratulations to Beck, a Year 13 student, on suc...
May 23 2023
May 23 2023
Congratulations to all of our graduating Year 13 s...
May 23 2023
May 23 2023
On Friday 19 May, our U15 table tennis players com...
May 23 2023
May 23 2023
Year 6 came over to the Secondary school and had a...
